
Recreational Mathematics Puzzles With Answers

10 Fun (and Free) Maths Puzzles with Answers

A Post By: Anthony Persico

Are You Ready for These Super Fun (and Slightly Brain-Bending) Maths Puzzles?

Every month, thousands of individuals, young and old, search the internet for maths puzzles with answers. Why? Because working on challenging and engaging maths puzzles is more than just a recreational activity. In fact, studies show that working on maths puzzles has several educational benefits including boosting interest in mathematics, improving problem-solving skills and algebra skills, and cultivating reflective learning abilities.

So, if you're one of these individuals looking to reap the benefits of working on challenging maths puzzles (while having some serious fun while doing so), then you're in the right place!


Now that you know the benefits of challenging your mind by trying to solve maths puzzles, you're just about ready to try and solve today's collection of super fun maths riddles.

Note that these maths riddles with answers are appropriate for individuals ages 12 and up.

Before you get started, here are a few tips to keep in mind when attempting to solve any of today's maths puzzles:

  • Read every maths puzzle carefully and allow yourself to think for a bit before getting started.

  • Use proven strategies like visualizing, diagram drawing, and trial-and-error.

  • You're going to struggle! When you find yourself feeling discourages and/or messing up, that means you are in the process of reaping the benefits of solving maths puzzles and improving your problem-solving skills!

  • Whenever you find an answer, ask the question "does this solution make sense?"

  • If at any time you get stuck, close the page and take a break. This is a good time to take your mind off of the problem by doing something else like going out for a walk. The puzzle will likely become more manageable when you revisit it later on.

Practice Problem: How Many Squares?

Before you attempt the 10 Maths Puzzles with Answers on your own, you may want to get warmed-up with a relatively easy maths puzzle just to get your brain fired up and ready for some more challenging problems later on.

Of course, you can choose to continue on and skip this practice problem if you'd like.

Here is the problem:

How many SQUARES are in the 3x3 grid?

How to solve:

This is a relatively straightforward maths puzzle to solve, provided that you consider two pieces of information:

  • A square is a plane figure with four equal sides and four right angles.

  • Some squares are overlapping in the diagram.

Want to try the problem on your own? If so, don't go any further. Stop here and try to solve the puzzle and come on back when you're finished.

The most common way to solve this problem is to consider all the squares, from smallest to largest, and count them as follows:

Final Answer: 14 Total Squares

Wasn't that fun? Now you are ready to move onto some more challenging maths puzzles!

10 Fun Maths Puzzles with Answers

Each of the following math puzzles with answers includes an image graphic. Click on any image to enlarge. The complete answer key for all 10 maths puzzles is included at the bottom of the page.

Have fun!

1.) Maths Puzzles 01 of 10: How Many Rectangles?

This problem may seem very similar to the practice problem, but the subtle difference between Squares and Rectangles is a very big deal that makes this problem rather tricky. (Click here to learn more about this controversial maths puzzle)

Can you solve it?

(Hint: By definition, is a square a rectangle?)

2.) Maths Puzzle 02 of 10: Factors and Fruit

Problem: If each piece of fruit in the diagram below is equal to one of the following numbers: 1, 2, 3, or 5, then what is the value of each fruit so that both equations are true?

3.) Maths Puzzle 03 of 10: Moon Math

Problem: What is the value of the missing number "?" in the lunar diagram below?

Hint: Look for a pattern.

4.) Maths Puzzle 04 of 10: Which is More Pizza?

Problem: Which deal gets you the most pizza (if each deal costs the same amount):

  • One 18" pizza pie, or

  • Two 12" pizza pies

Can you solve it?

maxresdefault (1) copy.jpg

Use the area of a circle formula: A= π(r^2)

5.) Maths Puzzle 05 of 10: Super Maths!

Problem: Find the value of each symbol and the '?' in the puzzles below:

Are you looking for more super fun Maths Riddles, Puzzles, and Brain Teasers?

The best-selling workbook 101 Math Riddles, Puzzles, and Brain Teasers for Ages 10+! is now available as a PDF download. You can get yours today by clicking here.


6.) Maths Puzzle 06 of 10: How Many Triangles

Problem: What is the total number of triangles in the diagram below?

Move copy.jpg

8.) Maths Puzzle 08 of 10: How Many Total Handshakes?

Problem: If there are 20 people in a room and they shake every other person's hand once and only once, how many handshakes would take place?


9.) Maths Puzzle 09 of 10: Shopping Spree!

Problem: At the mall, the total cost of a pair of shoes and a hoodie is $150. The cost of the hoodie is $100 more than the cost of the pair of shoes. How much does each item cost?

10.) Maths Puzzle 10 of 10: Parking Lot Puzzle

Problem: In the diagram below, what is the number of the parking spot occupied by the car?

11.) Bonus Maths Puzzle! : The Big Triple!


  1. 36 Total Rectangles (click here to learn more about how to solve this problem)

  2. Melon=5, Apple=2, Grapes=3, Lemon=1

  3. ?=8 (the relationship between the diagonals are cubes and cube roots)

  4. Area of 18" Pizza: ~254.3 square inches > Area of two 12" pizzas: 226 square inches

    (click here to learn more about how to solve this problem)

  5. Puzzle #1: DK=12, Bananas=8, Barrell=4, ?=24

    Puzzle #2: Mario=12, Peach=12, Toad=6, Bowser=0, ?=30

    Puzzle #3: Van=8, Zombie=9, Scooby=5, ?=77

  6. 27 Total Triangles

  7. 8-4=4, 5+4=9, 0+4=4 (Here is a great video explanation)

  8. 190 handshakes (19+18+17+16+...+3+2+1=190)

  9. Hoodie costs $125, Shoes cost $25

  10. 87 (click here to learn how to solve this problem)

11. (BONUS!) 1+2+3=6 and 1 x 2 x 3 = 6

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Recreational Mathematics Puzzles With Answers


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